We all forget our reusable bags from time to time. In an effort to help customers think twice about absentmindedly taking a single-use bag, we worked with East West Market to redesign their plastic bags. We created new bags that look like they come from other, more embarrassing stores.
Plastic bags are a big problem for the environment. Around the world, over one million plastic bags are used every minute—most of which are filled once and then discarded. East West hopes these bags spread awareness about single-use plastic and help customers break from the cycle of purchasing plastic bags at the till. "So many people own reusable bags but forget to bring them," said David Lee Kwen, East West's owner, "We want to help customers remember their reusable bags in a way that will really stick with them."
media budget
organic impressions
social interactions
now bring reusable bags
The viral campaign has been awarded with a Silver and Bronze One Show Pencil, a Wood D&AD Pencil, and multiple placings from Communication Arts, EPICA, The ADCC and Applied Arts.
The bags are also are on display in the Design Collection at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, England.
ClientEast West Market
CDIan Grais, Leia Rogers
CWJohn Eresman, Thom Peters